my journey of hope through grief and pregnancy loss.

A Rainbow Baby is defined as a baby born subsequent to a miscarriage, stillbirth, TFMR, or the death of an infant from natural causes. This podcast follows Taylor through her journey to a rainbow baby after her son, Ellis, was stillborn in May 2018. Also included are honest and hopeful conversations with others sharing their own Rainbow Baby stories including trying to conceive after loss, pregnancy, recurrent loss, adoption, and parenting after loss.
A “Cold front” in Texas means I get to bust out my maternity jeans for the first time during this pregnancy. The last time I wore them was when I was 31 weeks pregnant with Ellis, the week he was stillborn.
My perinatal specialist surprised me with this 3D image on Tuesday. She didn’t tell me that she was going to do a scan in 3D so I was shocked when I saw him clearly for the first time.
The countdown has begun! We’ve got eight weeks until our scheduled C-section, and I’m anticipating that it’s going to fly by.
25 weeks pregnant and babe is somewhere around the size of a papaya. My uterus is the size of a soccer ball. And my body is feeling it. Is it okay for loss moms and women who’ve struggled conceiving to complain about aspects of pregnancy? Yes!
This smile melts my mama heart. I got to see his sweet little face for the first time this week at my 23 week scan.
Weeks 21-22 pregnancy update: Baby B is the size of an eggplant—about a foot long (head to toe) and a little over a pound! My belly feels like it’s growing and stretching more everyday, much more quickly than it did during my first pregnancy.
20 week pregnancy update. Baby B is the length of a banana. I’ve been nesting quite a bit and have been more quiet and internal over the last several weeks. There’s a lot going on in the world. For me, now is a time for contemplation, internal work, and staying home.
Happy Father’s Day to my love, Hunter. It fills me with joy to see the ways you spiritually father Ellis and are already building a relationship with his little brother...
Baby is the size of a naval orange and I’ve definitely got a visible bump now! I started feeling the baby kick consistently this week, which is just the best.
15 week update—it was a big week! I had an appointment with my perinatal specialist that went great—they basically did an early anatomy scan and the baby is growing right on track.
14 weeks and our baby boy is the size of a pear! I’m getting a bit more comfortable (out of necessity) going to prenatal appointments alone due to the pandemic.
My body is achy, swollen, and slow moving, but I am so in love with this smiley babe.