8 Weeks Pregnant


Spring is in bloom and so is my bump! We are 8 weeks and 3 days pregnant and I’m starting to pop out a little. It might just be all the loquats I’ve been eating on our walks (or more likely all the extra chips, cookies, and ice cream ).

I read that, though the baby is about the size of a raspberry, my uterus has already expanded to the size of a grapefruit. Gotta love all the pregnancy fruit analogies.

I’m still working to cultivate peace every day and focusing on trusting my body. I can honestly say that I am enjoying this pregnancy so far, which I believe is a miracle considering our history.

One of my favorite definitions of a miracle is simply, “a shift in perception from fear to love,” from A Course in Miracles. In my experience of pregnancy after loss I have shifted from anxiety to peace, which is a true miracle by this definition. I am grateful to have peace now and pray that it stays with me. I’ll continue to take things day by day.

We have weekly ultrasounds at this point, which really helps to quell any anxiety that bubbles up and I love getting to see the baby grow every week. Keep it up, Baby B!