The Complexity of Pregnancy Announcements


I’ve noticed a handful of people on Instagram have unfollowed me since our pregnancy announcement and it made me realize that I want to acknowledge how many emotions come with these sorts of things.

I know that the majority of you out there are similar to me—you’ve experienced loss and/or struggled to conceive and seeing other people’s pregnancy announcements can be a painful reminder of what you don’t have. I understand—I’ve been there for the last two years and have raged over my fair share of pregnancy announcements, bump photos, baby shower invitations, etc.!

My heart goes out to all my sisters who are still wanting and waiting. Though I’m now pregnant, I’ve by no means “arrived.” This is just [hopefully] the beginning of a new chapter in our story.

Please know that I will be transparent about my journey through pregnancy after loss—navigating the complex array of grief, joy, anxiety, questioning, and anticipation. My ultimate goal is to be a beacon of hope, regardless of what happens for us along the way.

I will continue to document my story and and others’ stories on the Rainbow Baby Podcast, so know that by following along you will get many different perspectives on pregnancy after loss, not just mine.

If you need to mute me for awhile or unfollow me, please hear that I totally understand. I know it’s not personal. Grief is complicated and different for everyone. If you do choose to stay with me, I hope that our story continues to bring tenderness, joy, honesty, and rainbows into your life.

Sending you all so much love!