Episode 04: My Story of Miscarriage after Stillbirth

This episode tells the story of my miscarriage that happened 11 months after the stillbirth of my son Ellis. I talk about my experience of pregnancy after loss and the emotions it brought up for me and I also go into detail about what my doctors visits were like, my unexpected visit to the emergency room, what it was like to miscarry with the aide of prescription medication, and my surprising reactions in the weeks following.

I know this is a heavy subject, but this podcast is about pregnancy after loss and rainbow babies and I would be remiss if I didn’t also include the reality of recurrent loss—that not all heartbreaks are redeemed in the ways we hope for. I still believe that we will eventually have a child, one way or another, and I’ll continue to share my journey along the way. 

If any of this might be triggering for you, feel free to skip this episode. My intention is not to cause you anxiety or heartache, but to offer encouragement to those of you out there with a similar experience and to help you feel less alone.

Here’s the episode...

If you’d like to connect with me, you can find me on Instagram @taylorashleybates.

Please share this podcast with anyone you know who is walking through life after pregnancy loss—whether they are trying to conceive, currently pregnant, or parenting after loss. 

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Show Notes:
