Episode 11: Choosing Love in an Uncertain Adoption Journey with Jess Lowry, Part II


This episode is part two of my conversation with Jess Lowry and if you haven’t listened to the first part of her story in episode nine, I highly recommend you hop over and do so before listening to this one. 

Jess shared her incredible story of finding hope through the darkness of infertility, recurrent miscarriage, stillbirth, near divorce, and an attempt to end her own life. Amazingly she held onto hope and eventually gave birth to two healthy boys. 

 Jess is the family minister at the church where I grew up in San Antonio, Texas and our stories collided when she showed up for me at the hospital the night Ellis was stillborn and ended up baptizing him. Since then, we’ve developed a deep friendship as she began to share her story with me. 

This episode tells the story of Jess’ adopted rainbow baby, Shiloh. Jess and her family were called to adoption several years ago, which took them on a long journey of waiting, roadblocks, and heartache. This is another incredible story that exemplifies the power of choosing love. 

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And please share this podcast with anyone you know who is walking through life after pregnancy losses whether they are trying to conceive, currently pregnant, or parenting after loss.
