A New Beginning

The sky was on fire tonight in the most beautiful way. I caught a glimpse of it as I pulled out of the parking lot at Artpace after hosting my last public program—I’ve announced that my last day will be October 13.

This is a bittersweet departure. I’ve been at Artpace as a full-time staff member for five years but my relationship began seven years ago when I started as an intern during graduate school. I’ve been captivated by Artpace ever since—it is such a unique and magical place that truly helps artists to realize their dreams.

Though I’m saying goodbye, I’ll stay close—I believe in Artpace’s mission and know that it will thrive under the leadership of our new Director, Riley. I’ve had so many powerful artistic experiences, met so many special people, and grown so much professionally and personally through my various roles at Artpace.

I’m forever grateful for my Artpace Family; they supported me so well after Ellis died and have continued to do so as I’ve decided to move on and pursue a calling. I have a vision to work on projects that will support people who experience pregnancy loss. I also plan to pursue my own creative interests, such as starting a bed and breakfast gallery space in the back house of our new home. Stay tuned.

“A dawn always promises a new beginning,
A sunset always promises a beautiful ending.” ― Anthony T. Hincks
